Friday 22 July 2011

Week 4: The week of THAT workout

I'm now 2kg down and am noticing small changes in my body - my clothes fit a little better and there doesn't seem to be as much of me when I look in the mirror. I'm still doing Power Plate workouts 3 times per week, only for half an hour,  but I'm feeling better than I have in a long time.

But this post isn't about my feelings. It's about the workout that's still got me aching two days after that I'm feeling the need to share with you this week. I can guarantee that it'll get your heart rate up, make your arms ache, and give your legs reason to buckle. We can thank trainer Cameron for this one. I might even consider speaking to him today if I can bring myself to get over it...

So let's go. Print this workout off and give it a go on your own Power Plate machine or the one at your gym. It's a whole new level of pain fun.

Warm Up
Double Hamstring Stretch

Hip Flexor (both sides)

Dynamic Squats (45 sec - 2 sets)


Single leg 'scrapes'
(Be sure to bend the front knee
enough to scrape your foot on the floor)

Front plank ( 60 sec - 2 sets)

Push Ups (60 sec - 2 sets)

Single leg lunges (45 sec - 2 sets)
Add another dimension and do bicep
curls with some 3-4kg weights.

Tricep Dips (2 sets - one dynamic
and one static)

These next exercises I don't have images for - you'll have to bear with my dreadful explanation skills. Please note that these are done on the new Power Plate pro6 machines. Try adding weight for resistance if you have a model without the proMOTION cables.
  • Standing Row
    Try this one off the Plate... set the cable resistance to the highest setting available and perform 2 sets of 60 seconds. Also set your machine to HIGH. Face the machine and standing on the floor, bend your knees slightly and lean forward. Keep back straight. Using a neutral grip, pull to the sides of your body, focusing on squeezing your shoulder blades together. Return arms to the extended position with shoulders stretched forward. Repeat for the 60 seconds.
    On the second set, alternate your arms so that you are working one side with each pull. Try not to rotate your hips - only rotate your upper body.
  • Squat & Shoulder Press
    Back on the Plate now. Set the cable resistance to your preferred resistance and set your machine back to LOW. Face the machine and stand on the platform with your knees slightly bent. Hold the handles at chin level with arms close to the body. Pull upwards until arms are fully extended above the head. Return arms to start position and repeat.
  • Biceps Curl
    Stand on the floor facing the machine. Use an underhand grip on the straps and extend your arms downwards. Keeping the upper arms close to the torso, bend your elbow and raise the hand grips until the palms face your shoulders. Return arms and repeat. Try this for 2 sets of 45 seconds if you did bicep curls with your lunges... otherwise aim for 2 sets of 60 seconds.
Glute Bridge (3 sets - 60 sec)
Stay static in the first set. In the
2nd set, lift your toes to the ceiling.
In the 3rd set, lift one leg and hold
for 15 seconds, then switch to the
other leg. Repeat for duration of
the exercise.

Massage & Relax
Hamstring massage

Quad Massage

Abductor Massage
(both sides)

Upper Arm Massage
(both sides)

Good luck!

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